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All suggestions, questions, comments, etc. can be sent to the First Vice-President (East Europethe) of IAGETH, Chairman of the Geoethics Section of Russian Geological Society (RosGeo) Natalya Nikitina by e-mail:
For more information on Geoethics you can visit the following sites:
International Association for Geoethics - IAGETH The website provides definition, items and developmental history of Geoethics, structure of IAGETH, its constituent document, activities in field of Geoethics, conferences, references to Internet resources in Geoethics.
IAGETH in Facebook
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Russian Geological Society (only in Russian)
Thematic Network Earth Sciences (only in Spanish)
The International Union of Geosciences - IUGS
The Association of Geoscientists for International Development
International Associations for Promoting Geoethics (IAPG)
The European Federation of Geologists
Other ethical society, organizations and institutions
Ethics The site contains a description of the various activities of UNESCO in the field of ethics: "Ethics of Science and Technology" (includes a description of the International Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST); "Bioethics" (includes a description of the activities of the International Bioethics Committee and the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee), etc. The page of UNESCO, which is a subset of a Program of the Social and Human Sciences.
Bioethics Bioethics website of UNESCO describes the UNESCO Bioethical Program. The Program was established in 1993 and since 2002 is a priority area of UNESCO activity. Website contains a definition of Bioethics, the ethical, social and legal issues, descriptions of the International Bioethics Committee and the Intergovernmental Committee.
Ethics Education Programme (EEP) The page includes information on the UNESCO Ethics Education Program. During the 32nd UNESCO General Conference (2003), Member States expressed the need to initiate and support teaching programs in ethics, not only in bioethics but in all scientific and professional education. On the basis of these recommendations and statements, UNESCO initiated the Ethics Education Program in 2004. The overall objective of UNESCO activities in this program is to reinforce and increase the capacities of member states in the area of ethics education
Ethics of Science and Technology The page includes information on the UNESCO program “Global Environmental Change”.Tthe Global Environmental Change Team works in three complementary directions: 1) to identify the ethical and social challenges arising from global environmental change, particularly climate change, biodiversity loss and freshwater scarcity, by supporting the production of social and human science knowledge within an integrated science framework; 2) to reflect on ethical principles that can make sense of environmental challenges and offer a normative basis to address them; 3) to support ethically and social scientifically grounded national policies in selected countries to adapt to global environmental change, with particular reference to assessment methodologies and policy design.
Global Ethics Observatory (GEObs) The page provides information on the UNESCO program “Global Ethics Observatory”. The observatory is a system of databases with worldwide in bioethics and other areas of applied ethics in science and technology such as environmental ethics, science ethics, and technology ethics. There are 6 Databases on website: 1) Who’s Who in Ethics (individual experts in ethics around the globe); 2) Ethics Institutions (institutions, centers, commissions, and committees in area of ethics); 3) Ethics Teaching Programs (description of existing teaching programs within the field of ethics); 4) Ethics Related Legislation and Guidelines (descriptions of ethics related legislation and guidelines); 5) Codes of Conduct (codes of conduct within the field ethics); 6) Resources in the Ethics.
Ethics around the World The page includes information on the UNESCO program "Ethics around the World", which is a subsection of the "Ethics of science and technology." This program provides for conferences on issues related to the ethics of science and technology in different countries. Through these conferences create a platform for cooperation between experts from around the world in the field of ethics of science and technology.
Jamais Cascio Selected by Foreign Policy magazine as one of their Top 100 Global Thinkers, Jamais Cascio writes about the intersection of emerging technologies, environmental dilemmas, and cultural transformation, specializing in the design and creation of plausible scenarios of the future. His work focuses on the importance of long-term, systemic thinking, emphasizing the power of openness, transparency and flexibility as catalysts for building a more resilient society.
Center of Environmental Philosophy There are a definition of Environmental Ethics, activities, environmental ethics books, and journals.
International Society for Environmental Ethics The official site of the International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE). For more than 20 years ISEE has striven to advance research and education in the field of environmental ethics and philosophy, and to promote appropriate human use, respect, conservation, preservation, and understanding of the natural world. The site provides information about the structure of ISEE and its regional offices; available full-text versions of the ISSE-bulletin since 1990, comprehensive bibliography on environmental ethics.
Government Ethics Articles, cases, and links on creating a culture of ethics and values in government from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. The Center offers a national program in local government ethics that brings public officials together with Center staff and scholars to analyze real-world ethical issues in public service and to develop innovative tools and programs to address them.
Educational Resource Center "ETHICS" (Russia) It contains articles on key ethical concepts and issues (each article is accompanied by a bibliography and links to online resources), philosophical and ethical texts, a various educational resources, training programs and materials that can be used in the teaching of ethics, reference centers containing ethical resources in a systematic way (libraries, journals, encyclopedias), information on all sorts of ethical organizations around the world with a description of the purpose of their activities, areas of research, their scientific or educational programs. Here you can find information about ongoing conferences, seminars, publications, etc.
Center for Bioethics Established in 1985, the University of Minnesota’s Center for Bioethics is a national prominent, yet locally focused, resource that conducts important research and provides educational programs and services to help students, professionals, policy makers, and the public confront the complex ethical issues emerging in health care and the life sciences. The site contains announcements of conferences and research seminars, information on teaching and research, a list of publications, references to Internet resources on Bioethics.
Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy http:/ Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy is based in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Website contains the structure of Department, teaching and research activities, information on upcoming conferences.
“Eubios” Ethics Institute “Eubios” Ethics Institute is a nonprofit group that aims to stimulate the international discussions of ethical issues and how we may use technology in ways consistent with “good life” (eu-bios). It aims at in integrated and cross-cultural approach to bioethics, and has a global network of partners. The site contains a general description of the Institute and its activities, review and contents of a number of articles and books (some are full-text version). There are a links on the organizations collaborating with the Institute.
Center for Applied and Professional Ethics Website provides information on teaching and the main directions of scientific research, a calendar of current events and conference announcements.
Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics The official site of the Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics – AAPAE, professional association of philosophers, aimed at the development of research in applied ethics and develop a network of contacts. Website provides information on the members of the executive committee, the current schedule of events, information on conferences. There are references to Internet resources in professional and applied ethics.
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics This is the oofficial website of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics created on the base of Indiana University, Bloomington. The Association unites professional philosophers and teachers of ethics. Website provides general information on the history of the Association and its members, the schedule of events. The website contains text versions of annual reports, summaries of selected articles sponsored by the Association.
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics This is the website of Center for Professional and Applied Ethics (College of Liberal Arts & Science, USA). The Center provides leadership in 21st-century ethics education and research in the Greater Charlotte region and beyond. General information on the history and structure of the Center, teaching and research activities is presented on the website. References to the Internet-resources on applied ethics are given too.
Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics Canadian Society for the study of practical ethics (CSSPE) is a professional Association of philosophers. On the site is the story of the Society, its Constitution, and information on its members. The full-text versions of the bulletins of the Society since 1999 were given. Detailed reports of the annual meetings were presented in the section "News".
Centre for Applied Ethics The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics (the Centre) is an interdisciplinary research unit within the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia (Canada). The Centre's mission is to advance research and teaching of applied ethics, conceived as the application of normative methods to core issues in science and technology ethics and policy, organizational ethics, animal welfare, health, the environment, and research ethics. The Centre is an interdisciplinary group of philosophers and social scientists who employ diverse methodologies to a wide range of problems, including healthcare practices, business and professional procedures, new technologies and environmental issues. Website contains the history of the Center, describes directions of scientific researches and the field of teaching activities, provides information on the members of the Centre, research projects, research materials and the calendar of current events.
Josephson Institute of Ethics Josephson Institute of Ethics (Los Angeles, USA) is an independent research and training Institute, working out the problems of application ethical research. Website provides information on the training seminars and conferences, presented the latest publications in the field of applied ethics.
British Society For Ethical Theory British Society for Ethical Theory is an academic society dedicated to philosophical research in normative ethics, metaethics, and moral psychology. Their annual conference is the leading forum for the discussion of ethical theory in the UK philosophy calendar. There is information on past and next conferences on the website.
University of Bristol Philosophy Society The University of Bristol Philosophy Society website contains news, information on upcoming conferences, videos, recordings, and useful links.
Society for Ethics across Curriculum The purpose of the Society for Ethics across the Curriculum is to stimulate scholarship on ethics and the teaching of ethics in all academic disciplines and to afford an opportunity for the exchange of research. The Society publishes Teaching Ethics (a journal on teaching ethics across curricula), sponsors conferences, and provides resources for ethics across the curriculum. Website contains Constitution, information on conferences, useful links.
Center for Philosophy and Ethics of Science The website provides information on the teachers, workshops, international conferences and training courses. Research reports from 1997 have been presented.
Carol and Lawrence Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research The mission of the Zicklin Center is to sponsor and disseminate leading edge research on critical topics in business ethics. It provides students, educators, business leaders, and policy makers with research to meet the ethical, governance, and compliance challenges that arise in complex business transactions. The Zicklin Center supports research that examines those organizational incentives and disincentives that promote ethical business practices, along with the firm-level features, processes, and decision making associated with failures of governance, compliance, and integrity. The site provides the structure of the Zicklin Centre, the main lines of research (with information on current research grants), conferences and seminars, contains references to periodicals and business ethics at the research institutes and organizations in the field.
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University Website contains information about the project on drawing up a thesaurus and an annotated list of key concepts of biomedical ethics in alphabetical order. The library’s databases on bioethics literature, organizations and syllabi are accessible via the website and contain many links to full-text materials. Other sources of full-text documents on this site include the digital archives of the Presidential Bioethics Commission, the Office for Human Research Protections, and the Genetics and Ethics Digital Collections.