June 25, 2015

The International Conference on Geoethics  is planned to be held in 3 segments: Prague-Pribram-Prague (Czech Republic) on  October 9-19, 2015. It is expected to take objective standpoints to all main present neuralgic points of ethics and geoethics in the world in any liaison with the Earth sciences and with the needed improvement of ethical climate in Europe and in the world. Various new concepts outside main streams should be open for a discussion where constructive alternative solutions may help:

a) to accelerate the needed progress of the science;

b) to improve short and long term predictability of extraordinary natural events (considered as disasters by the population) in the present period of extreme conditions beyond any memory of the human kind (for optimizing needed prevention measures);

c) to establish a new International Independent Commission on Geoethics calling for free democratic discussion in any science against any modern book-burning;

d) to prepare useful recommendations for the November/December 2015 Climate Changes Summit in Paris joining also efforts of the Pope Francis in his recent encyclical Laudato sí addressed to all people of good will.

For more information use the following addresses: nemec.geo@seznam.cz; Dolezalova@diamo.cz;


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